Make a Joyful Noise update

Engineering studies : October 4th - November 4th

The recent September works committee meeting set a specific schedule for the engineering studies to be accomplished during the month of October. Installation of machinery, drilling and coring structural surveys begin at the back right area of the Nave from October 4th to October 12th where the antiphonal (back) organ cases will be built. From October 16th, drilling and coring will take place in the Martyrs’ Chapel, where the front Grandes Orgues cases and console will stand. 

The Dean, Vestry and staff will ensure that normal activities (such as church services, space rentals, wedding thanksgivings, LAGV concerts, Montessori school) are ongoing as far as possible. 

The works team under the supervision of Vestry member Geoff Jennings and project management assistant (AMO) Agnès Baulme, is taking every precaution for the physical safety of workmen, staff, parishioners and external space users. The valuable artwork in the side chapel will be removed and protected, and great care taken to safeguard and preserve the marble floor tiles, which will be removed and replaced by a specialized company. 

These foundational studies will serve as a “dress rehearsal”, helping us to work out the kinks and prepare for smooth functioning as a community for the next exciting - and hopefully not too messy - phases of dismantling and restoring the old organ, rebuilding and installing the new instrument!

New Roles for Project leadership

Now that the formal fundraising campaign is complete, the “Make a Joyful Noise” project leadership is working to pave the way for the work to come. 

Jennifer Gosmand who served as co-chair of the capital campaign will focus on the project’s execution with Geoff Jennings, working with the Dean, staff and Vestry, architects, contractors and project managers. She is interfacing with the various agencies of the Ville de Paris for preliminary studies and permits, and coordinating with Canon for Music, Zach Ullery, Cathedral Organist, Andrew Dewar, the organ builders, sound and lighting technicians.

Thomas Girty who served as the other co-chair of the capital campaign will focus on communications and donor relations, keeping the community informed about all aspects of the project, fielding questions, and ensuring that pledges made are in fact fulfilled; he will be working with newly-onboarded Campaign Administrative Coordinator, Betsy Farhi (see profile below) and Carole Le Floc’h, Cathedral Finance and Administration Manager, along with volunteers and Vestry.

Canon for Music, Zach Ullery, has been designated by Dean Harlan as the staff point person for project information and scheduling. As we actively move into the works phase, he will oversee calendar coordination of the various stakeholders: parishioners, internal and external space users, the works committee and contractors.

We also say “thank you” to Leo McKenna, who served as campaign coordinator during the fundraising phase. Leo’s enthusiasm and hands-on attitude was appreciated immensely this past year. Betsy Farhi will take on his former role and more.

Betsy Farhi

Betsy Farhi joined the “Make A Joyful Noise” project in June as the Campaign Administrative Coordinator. A longtime parishioner and fan of the Cathedral’s music programs, she was thrilled at the opportunity to join the team, managing donor relations and gifts, as well as the donor database. 

Betsy grew up outside of Philadelphia, and has spent over 30 years living in the Paris area. She has extensive fundraising experience both in France and in the United States, and spent nine years working in the Paris newsroom of the International New York Times (formerly the International Herald Tribune). Most recently, she started a business in archival consulting.

For more information about pledging or one-off donations to the Make a Joyful Noise project please visit our Capital Campaign page.


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