Getting Involved | The Holy Eucharist and Celebration of Ministry

We are really excited about our upcoming Holy Eucharist and Celebration of Ministry on Sunday, November 5th at 11:00 a.m. We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible both in person and online.

Please find below different ways that you can be involved in our celebrations.

Contributing to the Community

-    We are delighted to be honoring Dean Harlan by renewing the Cathedral's liturgical vestments. If you would like to contribute to this, please donate on our website ( stating "Installation gift" in the notes. If you would like to donate by cheque or cash, please place your contribution in one of the offering envelopes and note "Installation gift" and your full name on it. Please send any contributions by December 31st.

Music & Prayer

-    Please join us at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 5th online and in person for a beautiful Choral Evensong for the Feast of All Souls'. Please note that incense will be used during this service.

-    Please continue to pray for our community, our baptisands and all those undertaking new ministries during this exciting time.

If You Are Watching Online

- If you are watching online on either our YouTube or Facebook pages, please take part in the chat with us during the service. 

- For those watching online, we’d love to receive a photo of you watching the service. If you are happy for us to use the photo in Cathedral and Convocation communication materials, please send it to Rosie Ward on

If You Are Attending in Person

-    Please join us after the 11:00 a.m. service for a reception in the Deans’ Garden. If you would like to contribute to this reception, we would love to receive donations of your favorite hand-made cookies. Please bring them to the Cathedral kitchen on Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th or Sunday 5th.


“Love in a Box” (LIAB) is now “Love in a Backpack”!


Exceptional Closure of the Nave