Sunday, February 4th | Le 10km des Champs Elysées

Sunday February 4th, the 10km Champs Elysées race will be held (Le 10km des Champs Elysées). This race will leave from Avenue Georges V at 10:30 a.m. Access to the Cathedral via foot and public transport remains open but we would recommend leaving extra time and consulting the RATP website to plan your journey. Some metro stations or bus stops may be closed.

We will be offering alternative acces to the Cathedral to facilitate your arrival via l’Impasse du Dr. Jacques Bertillon which gives you access to the Cathedral via the Parish Hall. Staff will be on hand to guide you.

Unable to get to the Cathedral for the 11:00 a.m. service? There are plenty of other ways to get involved:

  1. Join La Mission Episcopale Francophone de la Résurrection, this Saturday at 5:30 p.m. for Holy Eucharist and fellowship.

  2. Join the Cathedral Choir this Sunday, February 4th at 6:00 p.m. in person and online for Choral Evensong for Candlemas. Choral Evensong is a service unique to Anglican worship, rooted in musical traditions from 16th-century England. This style of worship, rare to find in France, offers a meditative end to the day.

  3. Now would be a great chance to join our online community who watch the livestream, expertly lead by our production team: Arthur and Gaël. The online community is a welcoming, interactive way to join in with our services. To watch online, please visit our YouTube Channel @TheAmericanCathedralinParis, or our Facebook page @amcathparis. If you have any questions about accessing worship online, please send an email to our Communications Manager, Rosie Ward on


Lent 2024: Create in us a New Heart


January 15th, 2024 | Martin Luther King Day